Hello all,
today I want to briefly discuss another world-wide issue that the majority of us seems to not care about: the environment. Yes, I am going to be one of those who drill your brain about global warming and climate change and deforestation and biodiversity and and and. I am one of those.
You know why? Because I have pondered over the reason why humans do not care about what is happening or why even those who care, do not act; and the answer made me angry. Now I wonder and wonder.. Is it because we are lazy? Is it because we are so used to a daily-life where every single activity we take-up pollutes, and thus changing our habits would be too much of an effort? Is it because we are spoiled? Is it because the world we live in is based on the flow of money and this flow of money consequently is based on building and development and this building is based on the destruction of nature and everyone is so restless and--- Let's pause, take a breath and reflect on how all the reasons above are the cause of extinction, loss of biodiversity, destruction of beauty and most recently, natural disasters.
Humans are selfish. Our greed for growth and power blinds us from caring about all the animals whose houses we are destroying. And you, reader who has the non-caring attitude maybe without even knowing that you do - understand that without the Earth you wouldn't be sitting on your laptop right now. The Earth hosts us and provides us with all her resources: yet look at how we are treating her. Some may think that I am exaggerating, that the situation is not as bad as I am portraying it to be or that I am being extremely dramatic about it - well, I really wish that was the case. But it isn't. Everyday more and more Carbon Dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and methane emissions absorb radiation into the atmosphere. Everyday the temperature rises, so don't complain about the day being 'too hot'. The natural disasters happening more and more frequently these days (floods, earthquakes, tsunamis) stand for the environment knocking on our door, sending signals to make us change our ways and warning us that essentially, we are destroying our own race too. We are destroying our future generations.
I strongly believe in the media as a way to reach out to the people and increase their awareness, but in regards global warning, it does not seem to be working. God only knows how many blog posts, newspaper articles, documentaries, books and social media pages are desperately trying to convey the same message I am. Yet I am still waiting for the day when I will see a change in everyone's attitude regarding this issue because that day will be the day of our savior. I am still waiting for the day where there will not just be organisations such as Green Peace or the WWF making an enormous effort to better the situation; but there will be people talking, influencing one another, who defeat their laziness, who actually TAKE ACTION. I want to see people who show some pity towards species extincting (they have the same right to live that we have!) and who understand that trees are an essential resource to satisfy our needs.
I wish I had more time to expand on this but, for now, I want to ask you to listen to the environment, look at how it is complaining and sense how it is decaying. Hey, believe it or not, it's stronger than us and it will destroy us if we continue like this.
Be better, be more careful, be respectful, go green.

They are homeless because of us.
today I want to briefly discuss another world-wide issue that the majority of us seems to not care about: the environment. Yes, I am going to be one of those who drill your brain about global warming and climate change and deforestation and biodiversity and and and. I am one of those.
You know why? Because I have pondered over the reason why humans do not care about what is happening or why even those who care, do not act; and the answer made me angry. Now I wonder and wonder.. Is it because we are lazy? Is it because we are so used to a daily-life where every single activity we take-up pollutes, and thus changing our habits would be too much of an effort? Is it because we are spoiled? Is it because the world we live in is based on the flow of money and this flow of money consequently is based on building and development and this building is based on the destruction of nature and everyone is so restless and--- Let's pause, take a breath and reflect on how all the reasons above are the cause of extinction, loss of biodiversity, destruction of beauty and most recently, natural disasters.
Humans are selfish. Our greed for growth and power blinds us from caring about all the animals whose houses we are destroying. And you, reader who has the non-caring attitude maybe without even knowing that you do - understand that without the Earth you wouldn't be sitting on your laptop right now. The Earth hosts us and provides us with all her resources: yet look at how we are treating her. Some may think that I am exaggerating, that the situation is not as bad as I am portraying it to be or that I am being extremely dramatic about it - well, I really wish that was the case. But it isn't. Everyday more and more Carbon Dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and methane emissions absorb radiation into the atmosphere. Everyday the temperature rises, so don't complain about the day being 'too hot'. The natural disasters happening more and more frequently these days (floods, earthquakes, tsunamis) stand for the environment knocking on our door, sending signals to make us change our ways and warning us that essentially, we are destroying our own race too. We are destroying our future generations.
I strongly believe in the media as a way to reach out to the people and increase their awareness, but in regards global warning, it does not seem to be working. God only knows how many blog posts, newspaper articles, documentaries, books and social media pages are desperately trying to convey the same message I am. Yet I am still waiting for the day when I will see a change in everyone's attitude regarding this issue because that day will be the day of our savior. I am still waiting for the day where there will not just be organisations such as Green Peace or the WWF making an enormous effort to better the situation; but there will be people talking, influencing one another, who defeat their laziness, who actually TAKE ACTION. I want to see people who show some pity towards species extincting (they have the same right to live that we have!) and who understand that trees are an essential resource to satisfy our needs.
I wish I had more time to expand on this but, for now, I want to ask you to listen to the environment, look at how it is complaining and sense how it is decaying. Hey, believe it or not, it's stronger than us and it will destroy us if we continue like this.
Be better, be more careful, be respectful, go green.
They are homeless because of us.